What To Really Ask A Lake Real Estate Agent


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Someone’s real estate journey is more than likely going to warrant some questions. Even if you might have a good chunk of knowledge when it comes to real estate, the lake market can be different. Before you start any process of buying or selling, you should think about some questions you might have. Luckily, Glenn Phillips, Lake Homes Realty’s CEO, discusses what you should really be asking your lake real estate agents.

  1. Which Agent…: Questions along these lines are some you might think you need to ask or get an answer for, but in actuality, they aren’t the important ones.
    • A) Has The Most Listings?: You might think finding the agent who has the most listings is the agent you want to work with. However, just because an agent has many listings doesn’t mean they’re being sold. You can find an agent who has a lot of listings while also selling those listings.
    • B) Do I Personally Like?: Everyone likes someone with whom they can get along, but that doesn’t mean that’s the agent for you. While you should find someone you can get along with, it’s more important to find an agent who will help guide you through this big transaction.
    • C) Has an Office Nearby?: This point is something that matters to sellers on occasion. But when it comes to buyers, they don’t necessarily care. Buyers are able to search online and don’t need an office to go into. A buyer wants to see the house, not an office.
  2. Questions You Should Answer:
    • A) MOST Capable of Helping Achieve MY Goal?: One of the most important questions that should be answered is which agent will help you with your goal. You’re the one making the transactions and your goals are what’s important.
    • B) All Agents the Same?: Not all agents are the same. You should be looking for the ones who are equipped to handle your needs and what you are looking for.
    • C) Focused on Lake Real Estate?: Similarly to the previous point, find the ones who have the focus. Working with a lake market expert is what you want during this process. Any other agent you should exclude. Lake agents know the ins and outs that other agents simply wouldn’t know.
    • D) Can Prove a Pipeline of Out of Town Buyers?: If the agent can show you that they have people coming from out of town to buy, you should keep note of that. This is a good thing as it brings people from outside the local market looking and buying.

Simply put, certain questions are more important to ask a lake agent. You might think you’re asking the correct ones, but some of them require a lot of expertise. If you’re ready to start asking the questions, reach out to a lake expert today at LakeHomes.com. They would love to help you on your real estate journey.

What To Really Ask A Lake Real Estate Agent

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.