This $20M Boca Raton mansion channels Hollywood glamour

A sophisticated South Florida mansion set within Boca Raton’s prestigious Estate...

New build homes in Haringey: 10 best developments

So, you’re hoping to find the perfect new build home in...

More than 70% of complaints to BCFSA linked to real estate in 2023-24

Real estate services dominated consumer complaints in British Columbia last fiscal...

Celebrating Women’s Equality in the Real Estate Industry

In recent years, the real estate industry has witnessed a remarkable...

What is going to happen to house prices next year?

UK house prices are expected to increase next year as borrowing...


Drive portfolio values by helping subsidized housing operators

Affordable Housing asset management is the comprehensive process of...

Commercial energy recovery ventilator | MRI Software

Heating and cooling systems make up nearly 40% of...

What Are The Types of Multifamily Housing?

Multifamily housing come in all shapes and sizes, from...

How Is Footfall Measured? | MRI Software

Footfall measurement is an essential tool for property managers...

Revolutionizing Real Estate and Property Management Accounting with Technology

Are you tired of the traditional, time-consuming methods of...