RESO Announces 2025 Board of Directors Election Winners



Congrats to RESO for recruiting a smart, passionate group of leaders representing many of the best and brightest companies in real estate today.  I love that there are strong leaders like Caitlyn McCrory from Anywhere and Joe Wilhelmy from Re/MAX elevating the voice and influence of brokers in bringing the practical realities and data challenges to be address by RESO.

Second, I’m thrilled to see so many of our best women executives, led by Rebecca Jensen’s long-term commitment to RESO, leading the charge too. It wasn’t that many years ago when there were very few women involved in RESO. The shift has been inspiring to watch.

With its continued expansion around the world and hosting terrific events like the International MLS forum, I love to see that we now have MLS from outside of North America represented. Welcome Ross Buck, CEO from Omni MLS from Mexico and beyond.  Today RESO provides data standards for the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Australia

RESO has come such a long way from the early days when WAV Group Communications served as the Communications arm of the organization. At that time there were only 52 organizations involved, many of which were fellow Charter Members to RESO. Today, there are more than 35,000 brokerage offices represented, 100+ tech companies, 1000 Associations, 475+ MLSs all serving more than 1.5 million practitioners. Way to go RESO! Keep up the great work!

See the full press release here: