The Sky’s No Limit – The Balance Sheet



By Joel Nelson on Dec 6, 2024 in News

Looking for easy, fun and free activities to fill your winter nights? Step outside and open your eyes to some spectacular upcoming astronomical events.

The Sky’s No Limit – The Balance Sheet

Dec. 7: Jupiter at opposition

The largest planet in the solar system lies opposite the sun in the sky and will be visible all night in the constellation Taurus.

Dec. 8: Saturn near moon

The ringed planet will appear close to the moon in the constellation Aquarius.

Dec. 14-15: Geminid meteors; Jupiter and moon

Normally one of the best meteor showers of the year, with 100-120 per hour, the Geminids will be somewhat obscured by the full moon. Meteors are caused by streams of cosmic debris that enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

Also on Dec. 14, Jupiter will appear close to the 98%-illuminated moon in the constellation Taurus. 

Dec. 18: Mars near moon

The red planet will appear close to the 92.3%-illuminated moon in the constellation Cancer.

Dec. 22-23: Ursid meteors

The last major meteor shower of the year peaks this night, from after sunset until moonrise. Under ideal conditions, as many as 10 meteors could be visible per hour.

Dec. 25: Mercury at greatest elongation west

The closest planet to the sun will appear at its farthest apparent distance west from the sun, an event known as the greatest elongation. It’s the best time to observe Mercury.

Jan. 2-3: Quadrantids meteors

Keep the New Year celebration going by viewing this meteor shower at its peak. With the moon only 11% full and set before the shower begins in earnest, the display will be visible from anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere with clear skies and little light pollution.